Welcome to the CAFE Hub!
Take your 1st step towards financial wellness at the
Community Action Financial Empowerment (CAFE) Hub!
Learn banking basics online at your own pace
Plan for the future with the help of a no-cost Financial Coach
Save towards your goals and work towards reducing your debts
Build your credit score and savings to pursue new opportunities
Small steps today lead to large improvements over time. Take the first step and meet with us today!
Where are you in your Financial Journey?
I’m Learning the Basics
Take the first step to financial wellness and learn the basics of personal finance online at your own pace.
I’m making a Plan
Our no-cost financial coaches will help you dream and achieve the future you want, or help you get back on track.
I’m Preparing for the Future
We’ll help you reduce your debts, improve your credit score, and establish a savings account for you and your family.
I’m Building my Future
There’s no need to do this alone. Our financial coaches and credit union staff are here to help — no question is too small.
Ready to Take the First Step?
Click here to get started!
The CAFE Hub is the place to dream about your financial future and take real steps to achieve it.
Our personalized no-cost coaching program is an opportunity to learn financial basics, take control of your financial situation, and plan for the future with the support of a Financial Coach.
Here’s how to get started:
Click here or the button below to register for the first time.
Check your email for the intake form to give us a sense of your current financial situation, and to authorize us to discuss your credit report with you.
Attend your first session and work with your coach to create a “Take Action Today” task to complete for your next session.
Return to the Client Page to register for follow up sessions and learn more about available financial assistance.
Financial Literacy - Learn Financial Basics Online
While you work towards your long-term goals, the CAFE Hub provides the opportunity to learn more about personal finance and improve your skills. We have partnered with industry-leading, financial education organization BALANCE to provide 1st Bergen FCU members with no-cost access to expertly crafted financial literacy and education resources including:
BalanceTrack — A series of online lessons to help you learn the basics
Free Webinars — Online sessions with specific topics
Specialized Financial Counseling — Call-in support for specialized areas that our 1st Bergen financial coaches may refer you to for specialized assistance, including HUD-certified housing counseling and student loan counseling.
While you learn more about personal finance, you can call our 1st Bergen Financial Coach to support your learning and answer any personal finance questions you may have.
Please click the button below to create an account and get started! Return to this page at anytime for recommended lessons to complete.
Our Partners
Contact CAFE Hub
For general inquiries, please use the contact form below.
Current CAFE Hub clients may contact a financial coach at (973) 881-0801, email CAFE@1stbergen.com, or visit the client page for more information.
For 1st Bergen account information, please call (201) 968-0202 or email membersupport@1stbergen.com